Solo Female European Travel Advice

Solo Female European Travel Advice

Solo Female European Travel Advice 768 629 Greg Ellifritz

Those of you traveling to Europe should check out this article about best practices for female solo travel there.   Most of the advice is applicable to males as well. She also has a great perspective about people providing travel advice:


“Most women are nervous about visiting Europe because they’re not sure whether it’s safe. Many of these women have well-meaning relatives and friends who tell them that sure, Europe’s safe if you have a man with you, but it’s not safe for a woman on her own.

Those well-meaning relatives and friends are wrong. They’re coming from a place of love and concern, but they’re wrong.

I always tell travelers to consider the source. Who is giving you this advice? Ask yourself the following questions:

Does this person travel?

Does this person travel in my style of traveling (i.e. backpacking as opposed to resort travel)?

Has this person been to this destination?

Has this person been to this destination recently (in the past 3-5 years)?

If the answer is yes to all of these, chances are you have an accurate source and should listen to what he or she has to say. But if the answer to one or more of these questions is no, you should seek out opinions elsewhere.”



Solo Female Travel in Europe: Complete Travel and Safety Guide