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Haggling Tips

Cambodian food market

Bargaining and haggling in local markets is a favorite pastime for many tourists traveling in foreign countries.


I think the best advice about the bargaining/haggling process was written by Christopher Blin in the book Swimming to Angola.  In that book, he wrote:


“1) Think of what they want you to pay- eye level

2) What you want to pay- chest level

3) Where you are after bargaining- somewhere around the neck

4) What the locals would pay- knee to ankle level

5) What they would charge if you forgot to ask the price beforehand -above the top of the head


You win the game if you can keep your transaction within the “strike zone”- from knees to chest.”


If you want some more haggling tips, I think you’ll like the article below.


The Do’s and Don’ts of Haggling in Southeast Asia

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