Recoil Magazine

Travel Safety

Travel Safety 714 484 Greg Ellifritz

These are some very useful travel safety tips.  If you liked this article take an even deeper dive into 10 Safety Tips for Solo Female Travelers.

Travelers Beware, How to Stay Safe While Traveling

Slip Joint Travel Knives

Slip Joint Travel Knives 150 150 Greg Ellifritz

Having at least one slip-joint (non-locking) folding knife is a good idea.  Lockblade folders are outlawed in many countries (especially in Europe).  Having an innocuous looking slip joint will give you better protection than using your fingernails.  I prefer to carry the Spyderco UK Penknife when I’m in Europe.


Learn about more non-locking options in the article below.


Slip-Joint Knives Buyer’s Guide