
Second Passports

Second Passports 888 499 Greg Ellifritz

Some of my readers peruse my site because they are looking to acquire either residency or citizenship in other countries.  The desire to get another passport may be to achieve more freedom, relief from taxation, or easier availability of certain foreign visas.


I recently listened to a podcast that does a great job discussing options for a second passport.  If you are interested in the topic, click the link below.


Katie the Russian on Plan B Passports – Epi-3170

Passport Photos

Passport Photos 1000 667 Greg Ellifritz

A very cheap option for getting some extra passport photos.


I keep a few extra photos taped to the inside back cover of my passport. You never know when you might want to go on an unplanned adventure and will need a photo or two to get your visa at a land border crossing.


Passport Photos Are Expensive, But They Don’t Have to Be

Second Passport?

Second Passport? 500 276 Greg Ellifritz

The article linked below is the best summary I’ve found with regards to your options for acquiring a second passport.  Their flowchart is refreshingly clear and easy to follow.


Why might you want a second passport?  According to the article “A second passport is your best insurance against any out-of-control government.


How to Get a Second Passport


Second Passports and Long Term Visas

Second Passports and Long Term Visas 700 430 Greg Ellifritz

Did you know that there are some countries that will give you a passport after you invest a significant amount of money in the local economy or pay a large fee?


Having an extra passport may reduce the hassles in traveling to certain countries that require visas from Americans.  Read the article below to learn about the process.


How To Get A Second Passport By The End of 2020


If you want to live in another country without buying a passport, your best bet is probably a long-term “digital nomad’ visa.  More and more countries are making these visas available.  Read more about that process below.


Countries with Digital Nomad Visas: The Complete List