
Outdoor Hikes Where Bear Spray is Prohibited

Outdoor Hikes Where Bear Spray is Prohibited 1098 576 Greg Ellifritz

Did you know there are several National Parks in bear country that prohibit the carrying of bear spray?

This article gives you the info you need to avoid an expensive ticket or a potential arrest.


You Can’t Carry Bear Spray On These 7 U.S. Hikes




Best US Hiking Trails?

Best US Hiking Trails? 1000 667 Greg Ellifritz

I’ve long enjoyed hiking.  I’m getting reacquainted with longer hikes now that I’m retired and have more time.  I’ve been averaging hiking about 25 miles a week so long as the weather cooperates.


I regularly use the AllTrails app on my phone to suggest good nearby trails.


The App owners tallied the ratings on all of the trails in their system and listed the favorite trails by each state.  Check out the article below.

Best hiking trails in every US state


All of the listed trails in my home state (Ohio) are more than a two-hour drive away from me.  I haven’t hiked any of them.  I wonder if there is a location bias.  All of the Ohio trails are near a large population center (Cleveland/Akron).  More people probably means more ratings.

I would guess that some of the remote trails in SE Ohio that get less traffic may even be better experiences than the listed trails.




Night Hiking

Night Hiking 677 683 Greg Ellifritz

One of my favorite activities to do in foreign countries is to go hiking.  I can’t think of many international trips I’ve taken that didn’t have at least some component of hiking involved.

I really like hiking at night as well, but not many people do it.  In fact, the article below is the first article I’ve ever seen on the topic.


Hiking at Night? Read This First


I will echo the author’s advice about having a good headlamp.  I’ve found it to be essential for traversing wooded areas and when there is little starlight/moonlight in the sky.


Enjoy the article.  I’d encourage you to plan a night hike soon.