Choose Adventure

Safely Navigating the Challenges of Third World Travel

RPG-7 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher

RPG-7 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher 840 560 Greg Ellifritz

If you travel deeply into the developing world, you will undoubtedly encounter an RPG or two.  They are amazing weapons.  I bribed a former soldier to let me fire one on a bombing range in Cambodia.  It’s still one of my fondest travel memories.


The truly prepared traveler will learn how this anti-tank rocket works.  Read the article below for more details.


RPG-7 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher



Gritty Travel Writing

Gritty Travel Writing 1280 871 Greg Ellifritz

Check out the links below.


I like this kind of travel writing. Authors who aren’t afraid to talk about corrupt cops, cockfighting, and prostitution keep my attention much better than those who only show pretty pictures.

This is the grittier side of Ecuador and the D.R.


As a side note, the “ghost town” mentioned in Ecuador is very close to where I was staying last summer when I got sick with Covid-19.


The Other Side of Ecuador 🇪🇨

Notes on the Dominican Republic


Is Mexico Safe for Tourists?

Is Mexico Safe for Tourists? 399 297 Greg Ellifritz

I really like Mexico.  I’ve visited more than 20 times and lived there for a couple months last year.  One of the most common questions I get from my readers is about the tourist safety amid cartel shootouts and hits.

My general assertion has always been that tourists are quite safe in Mexico as long as they stay away from drugs and hookers.


Last week two Canadian tourists were killed near Playa del Carmen. It made me question my advice.


Nope. These weren’t tourists. They were drug dealers and the cartel put a hit out on them.  Read the link below.



You are likely in less danger as a tourist in Mexico than you are walking around your own home town.


Terrorism and Travel

Terrorism and Travel 787 218 Greg Ellifritz

This link provides an important batch of resources for researching terrorism trends in other countries. I find much of the information provided by the US government to be fear mongering.


I don’t pay too much attention to the US State Department Travel Warnings. I find that similar warnings from the governments of Australia and Great Britain to be far more accurate.


“Terrorism kills more people than sharks, but it still doesn’t kill many: your odds are 1 in 25 million worldwide (in the US, it’s even less likely). When you travel, it’s far more likely (1 in 5,862 in the US) that you’ll die in a plane crash than you will in an act of terrorism.”


Everything you need to know about terrorism and travel

How Not to Look like an American in Foreign Lands

How Not to Look like an American in Foreign Lands 1000 667 Greg Ellifritz

I’ve traveled in more than 50 countries and on all seven continents.  Despite what lots of folks believe, foreign citizens DO NOT hate Americans.  Many people from other countries really dislike our governmental policies, but they don’t extend that hatred to the average American person who is traveling in their country.


To put things in perspective, think of Cuba.  You may disagree with the communist  government, but would you treat the average Cuban person badly because of your dislike for communist politics?  Most of you would not.  It’s the same way when people from other countries meet Americans.


Then why would you want to dress to avoid looking like an American?  Mostly it’s because Americans are considered wealthy by third world standards.  As an American, you will be targeted by more scams, solicitations, and even robbery attempts.  Try to blend in as much as possible when you travel.  This article gives you some good starting points.


How Not to Look like an American in Foreign Lands


Back Injuries in Remote Environments

Back Injuries in Remote Environments 150 150 Greg Ellifritz

Your companion slipped and fell while hiking.  He may have a back injury.  How do you decide whether it is safe for him to walk out or if you need to medically evacuate?  This article gives some good suggestions for field level spinal clearances if help is far away.


Anyone who participates in athletic pursuits in third world countries without a quality EMS system should understand this information.


Backcountry Emergencies: Why You Should Learn How To Identify Spinal Injuries




Understanding the Kidnapping Business

Understanding the Kidnapping Business 300 200 Greg Ellifritz

When I teach travel safety classes, I always get lots of questions about kidnappings.  One must be alert to the possibility, but there are lots of tactics that you can employ to reduce your risk.  I have an entire chapter on the topic in Choose Adventure: Safe Travel in Dangerous Places.



In addition to the mitigation tactics I describe in my book, I also find it helpful to understand how kidnappers get paid and their general business structure.  The article linked below provides some fascinating insight.


Kidnapping for ransom works like a market. How it is organized is surprising.


Latin American ATM Scams/Thefts

Latin American ATM Scams/Thefts 1920 2560 Greg Ellifritz

In my book Choose Adventure: Safe Travels in Dangerous Places, I cautioned tourists to avoid “helpful” locals at the ATM machine and to shield the keypad from view while you are entering your PIN number.  Watch this short video to see real-life examples of ATM scams and thefts.  It’s very well done and you can see how smooth many of these criminals are.


Watch Out for Scammers at the ATMs in Mexico


Discounted Books

Discounted Books 313 500 Greg Ellifritz
If you are looking at getting my book as a holiday gift, now is the time!
I’m putting Choose Adventure on sale for the next three days.  The Kindle edition is half price.  The hardcover is $5 off.  This is the first and only sale I’ve ever done on these books.
This is the book for the traveler in your life.  There aren’t many books that average 4.9 stars on Amazon with over 150 ratings.
If you want a copy, get one in the next three days.  After Tuesday, prices go back up. Thank you all for your support.

Political Turmoil

Political Turmoil 1024 663 Greg Ellifritz

A long form article that contains good information.  With that said, it might be a little much for the casual traveler.


What If You’re Stuck in a Country Consumed by Political Turmoil